Welcome to
The Church of God
in Georgia

Fight the Good Fight of Faith
From prison in Rome, Paul wrote Timothy who was the Pastor at Ephesus. He encouraged Him to continue in the Truths he had been taught and have confidence in those who had gone before him. Ephesus was a port blessed with suitable harbor and location and thrived with commerce during Timothy’s day. Many of those who dwelt in Ephesus were affluent and their influences were felt even amongst The Church of God there at Ephesus. The sensual and pleasurable goddess worship of Diana also was a huge part of social life as her temple was considered one of the 7 wonders of the world!
In the midst of all this Paul told Timothy no GOOD soldier got himself tangled in the affairs of the world around him. He remained separated for the army he was committed to serve. He warned him to flee (put a wide berth) between him and the worldly attitudes, and follow (seek, hasten to) righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness!
He also (in his 2nd letter to Timothy) told him to endure hardness. Today we live in a wimpy world, full of political correctness thinkers, whiners and so many who love to be offended! But soldiers are to be individuals with backbone enough to not run at every adversity and whine at every trouble. Paul told Timothy to endure the bumps and the rough times, hunker down in the fox hole, and wait out the enemy till advancement time comes.
Then — here is the key. In Ephesians, Paul tells us the fight of faith is not a fight of fists, not a fight in the courts, nor in the streets! Why? Because the fight is not against humanity. Not against flesh and blood. This is a spiritual fight, hence the need for the God of the Universe to do your fighting. “Fear ye not, for I have overcome the world.” He made an open shew (Colossians 2:15).
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might (Eph 6:10). The fight of the Church is a spiritual fight. We have a mission to complete. This mission is twofold.
1. Carry the whole message to All the world (not establish churches in every city). That would be wonderful, but God did not set out to colonize THIS world. It is for whomsoever will, not for those who will be conquered!
2. As the Bride of Christ, to get ready for our soon coming wedding. This entails becoming as HE is. One God, One Faith, One Mind, and One Church for all. The Bride of Christ in All her beauty, is nothing more than reflecting the perfect image of HIM through us, thus becoming the Body.
So, our fight is not political, it is not social, and it is not physical. It is spiritual in nature as is the Kingdom and Church. But, NO DOUBT, Church of God, it is time to Fight! It is time to show some Courage and attack the forces of evil and pull down the strongholds of our enemy. We need our GOD to bind the strongman, so we can rush in and take what God has declared from the beginning of time to be the Church’s destiny!! She shall arise in Glory and strength, and she shall ascend in the rapture, One-Fold!!!
So, fight Church of God fight!
Ricky Aldridge