Examine Yourself

I can remember when my first opportunity to use a real microscope occurred. As I peered through the lens it took me a little while to get used to it. I would have to pull away and refocus, and then go at it again! You see I was intensifying my search and needed to intently study. Seldom do we use that type of approach in things in life. 

In most cases, we just accept the way things are. We believe what we believe; we are who we are. We prepare foods like we do because those before us did it that way, right? We go a certain way and do things a certain way because we were taught or learned that way. Not often do we really put things under the MICROSCOPE to really understand. 

Unfortunately, it is the same with spiritual things. People say they believe yet cannot tell you why. They tell you they believe one way, yet live entirely opposite! How can this be? Is it possible one is unaware of spiritual problems because they have never taken time to do what has been commanded, scripturally?. 2 Corinthians 13:5 says “Let a man examine himself, see if he is in the faith.” 1 Corinthians 11:28 also says “Let a man examine himself… “ You see, many do not know the WORD, which is our standard to be judged. Because of that, they do not know where they stand! 

What is Truth? The microscope is composed of more than one piece, and so is the Word. It takes the Spirit of God working in our hearts to bring revelation. It takes our spirits and hearts to be open to see and accept that which is revealed. Truth is truth under any microscope. It is not truth’s fault because men are diverse in their thinking. It is the men who peer inside who will not open their spiritual eyes to see! 

Some things were said in our Assembly that those who refuse to examine themselves by the truth may find hard to receive. Narrow is the way God’s word proclaims. Consider this: If you believe it is wrong; if pride is a sin, yet cannot accept those with pride are sinful, then something is wrong. Is wearing of gold prideful? Is it sinful? Let us go to the microscope and study intently. Do we believe such? Yes, we believe. Many have no knowledge, but do we believe ONE-fold? How will they know, Paul said, without a Preacher? We do not teach to cause division but to bring unity; One-Fold. That is what God has our calling for.

God bless you.

Brother Ricky Aldridge-Pastor Bethel