Welcome to
The Church of God
in Georgia
Examínate a ti Mismo.
Puedo recordar cuando ocurrió mi primera oportunidad de utilizar un microscopio real.Mientras miraba a través de la lente, me tomó un poco de tiempo acostumbrarme. ¡Tendríaque alejarme y reenfocarme, y luego volver a hacerlo! Verás, estaba intensificando mibúsqueda y necesitaba estudiar intensamente. Rara vez utilizamos ese tipo de enfoque en lascosas de la vida.En la mayoría de los casos, simplemente …
Examine Yourself
I can remember when my first opportunity to use a real microscope occurred. As I peered through the lens it took me a little while to get used to it. I would have to pull away and refocus, and then go at it again! You see I was intensifying my search and needed to intently study. Seldom do we use …
La Iglesia de Dios está Viva y Bien
Hay muchas cosas que enfrentamos en la vida, algunas de las cuales no comprendemos hastamucho más tarde, si es que alguna vez lo hacemos. Recientemente nos enfrentamos a undesastre nunca experimentado por esta generación. Muchas de nuestras personas en elDistrito Sur no sólo sufrieron daños en sus hogares, no tuvieron electricidad ni agua durantesemanas, sino que sus iglesias locales sufrieron …
The Church of God is Alive and Well!
There are many things we face in life, some of which we do not understand until much later, if ever. We recently faced a disaster never experienced by this generation. Many of our people in the South District not only sustained damage to their homes, had no power or water, for weeks, but their local Churches received substantial damage. As …
Fight the Good Fight of Faith
From prison in Rome, Paul wrote Timothy who was the Pastor at Ephesus. He encouraged Him to continue in the Truths he had been taught and have confidence in those who had gone before him. Ephesus was a port blessed with suitable harbor and location and thrived with commerce during Timothy’s day. Many of those who dwelt in Ephesus were …
A Watered-Down Bible is a Watered-Down God
I had been working on the message for Sunday Morning and the Lord woke me up with this thought. God is serious. He is a serious God who is serious about you. He is serious about His Church. He is serious about souls. He is serious about His Word. We should be equally serious about Him. We should be equally …
El Espíritu Santo y el Fuego
Hechos 2: 14-21Pero Pedro, levantándose con los once, alzó la voz y les dijo: Varones judíos, y todos los quehabitáis en Jerusalén, esto os sea notorio, y oíd mis palabras: Porque éstos no están ebrios,como suponéis, ya que es la hora tercera del día. Pero esto es lo que habló el profeta Joel; Ysucederá que en los últimos días, dice …