Welcome to
The Church of God
in Georgia
General Assembly Announcements
We are bringing back the Womens Missionary Band Luncheon! The luncheon is for all ladies and the cost is $20 per person. It will be held during the General Assembly on Thursday, August 10, 2023 (during the lunch break). The luncheon will be at Southern Charm Event Venue located at 656 Minnis Road, Cleveland, Tennessee. Immediately following the luncheon will be the WMB fueling Workshop for the WMB leadership-a short meeting where the plans for the new Assembly Year will be shared. Registration and payment can be completed online by visiting www.thechurchofgod.org. please share this information with your ladies and make plans to attend!
Ladies, plan to wear your white (and blue, if you would like) during the WMB program at the General Assemble! Also, plan to join the WMB choir! There will be only one practice session and the day and time will be announced at the General Assembly.
We will, once again, have the WMB Craft Table during the General Assembly. Please bring your craft items already priced. We appreciate any items you would like to donate to help us raise funds for missions. Volunteers are always needed to help work the craft table. Please come to the WMB Craft Table to sign up.
In addition, we will have the Missions Clothes Closet. Donations of clothing (church attire but not winter items) and shoes are accepted, along with suitcases with wheels that are in good condition. Personal hygiene products are also needed such as soap, shampoo, and conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, etc. Please make sure these items are regular size and not travel size. In addition, school supplies such as notebook paper and pens are also needed.
Since we will have limited space this year, please limit women’s sizes to 12-20 and men’s suits from 40-50. We will not be accepting children or baby clothing this year. Donations will be accepted beginning Monday, August 7, at 3 P.M. through Wednesday at the supper break. The Clothes Closet will be open at the lunch and supper breaks during the General Assembly and will close on Friday at the lunch break. Thank you in advance for your donations.
Sharon Griffin, General WMB Coordinator